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Facts First, NOT Gullibility: January 6, 2021
Gullibility in the GOP Gullibility of the voter base and power abuse is still the mantra of the Republican Party. Unfortunately they are giving Republicanism a bad name. re·pub·lic| rəˈpəblik | noun : a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their...

Fact Check On Trumps NOT The Greatest Economy
Simply put, without going into the whole history of US economics, since Truman, Johnson, Kennedy, Clinton Reagan, Carter, Eisenhower, Nixon & Ford all had higher GDP performance that Donald Trump. And that’s only eight that did better than Donald. If you go back further, Donny gets pushed even further down the list. So, no Trump did not produce the greatest economy and yes, he continues to lie to his supporters about it.

The Wolf Pelosi Stimulus Bill Argument
Sure everyone makes mistakes, but when it happens on important issues one hopes that the mistakes are corrected so that we can all learn and do better. Wolf Blitzer made a mistake in an interview with Nancy Pelosi. Then he compounded the mistake because he did not grasp that she was trying to inform him that his context was way off base. This piece delves into the context.
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Fact Check On Trumps NOT The Greatest Economy
Simply put, without going into the whole history of US economics, since Truman, Johnson, Kennedy, Clinton Reagan, Carter, Eisenhower, Nixon & Ford all had higher GDP performance that Donald Trump. And that’s only eight that did better than Donald. If you go back further, Donny gets pushed even further down the list. So, no Trump did not produce the greatest economy and yes, he continues to lie to his supporters about it.

The Trump Virus Infecting the World
The ‘Trump Virus’ is literal and metaphorical as well as psychological. The Coronavirus is now Trumps Virus. His direct and will for ignorance of the danger is killing Americans. His rhetoric has infected people around the world. His supporters still support him even though he is destroying America. I’ve heard many in the world of finance around the world say he is great with the economy, even though all he has done is destroy capitalism with his socialist funding of markets to make himself look better, which by the way makes the markets more dangerous because they have not risen on value and productivity, they’ve risen on government money and taxpayer debt. There’s nothing economically good about that.
The Last 12 Casts/Pieces
Ukraine: Trump continues to weaken America
Donald boldly challenges the concepts of truth, honesty and rationality by repeatedly trespassing in the realm of confusion. A state that Trump clearly wants to make and keep great. The ‘State’ of confusion.
Vaping Risks Continue to Rise
Vaping, cigarettes, tobacco products in general erode personal health and economic health. The cost to society is measured in loss of health, loss of life, healthcare costs and lost productivity. Economically, this is net negative. The only positive is that while you get sick and/or die, you get to make tobacco executives wealthier.
#News, #Health,
Sept 28, 2019
Trumps Ukraine call confirms he is working in his own interest, not that of America. Yet at the same time he continues to claim he is making/keeping America Great. Sophistry and Gaslighting are the hallmarks of the Trump administration.
July 4, 2019
Centrist News: July 4, 2019 Understanding how politicians and trusted sources can trick us through Sophistry; Trumps Fake Campaign Ads; Cryptocurrency and sophistry; Unemployment, Fake News and US employment data; N. Korea and Trumps interesting change of heart;...
March 9, 2019
Centrist News: March 2019 media context and perspectives on Trump, the debt, Russian collusion, Kushner's security clearance, Intelligence, the rise in hate crimes and racism. Subject list/segment time:00:28 – Trump verses Obama on who has the worst performance...
Bangladesh Dhaka Protests Government Attacks Unarmed Protestors
Student Protests in Dhaka, Bangladesh have turned violent over the past few days. The government reportedly shut down local cell phone and internet access for mobile devices apparently to prevent images of the violence against the protestors from getting out.This news...
Electoral College: Is the Trump presidency at risk?
Can the Electoral College overturn the popular vote? Is the Trump presidency at risk? Could Hillary Clinton still become president? What did the founding fathers of the US Constitution say about the electoral college? The electors vote on December 19 to decide the...
Trump Organization: Rico Violation?
Donald Trump and the Trump organization are clearly in violation of the RICO Act with their Trump University scam. I spoke with the Justice Department and the Attorney Generals Office in New York prior to Trump taking office and warmed them that when Trump took office, this would all get buried. Trump took office, and it’s buried.
#News, #Trump, #Trump, #TrumpSwamp, #Corruption
Make Sure You Vote
The best way to protect Republican Democracy is to be an informed voter. That means not listening to your ‘trusted sources’ but instead listening to information sources that are well know for solid factual reporting, Associated Press and Reuters are the best based on analysis. BBC and CNN are quite good as well, even though many still like to bash them for various reasons. The key is to not limit yourself to just ‘your’ trusted sources, because that limits your view and increases the risk of being misinformed.
#Election, #Vote
What Really Happened in Benghazi?
What really happened in Benghazi: Was there a stand down order? Most likely. What is more important is why would the chief of the base give such an order. The answer is easier to understand than you might think…Unite America with The Centrist Party The Centrist News...
My Vote
By applying reason and getting past the rhetoric, an informed voter will cast their vote toward the person that evidence, reason and logic indicate is the best candidate.Dying are the days when we should support party politics. Especially when reason fails on so many...
Trump: The Kremlin Connection
The signals from Moscow are strong and clear. Vladimir Putin wants Donald Trump to be President. It seems there may be mutual admiration between Putin and Trump.Unite America with The Centrist Party The Centrist News invites you to consider joining the Centrist Party....