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The Centrist Party Platform Plank on the 2nd Amendment
The Centrist Party (CP) discussions on this 2nd Amendment platform plank have been many and with people from left, right, center, independent, Trump supporters, Biden supporters. Our goal was to find problems with the position. From the CP’s point of view, this is the best answer to manage gun violence and protect citizens rights under the constitution.

July 4, 2019
Centrist News: July 4, 2019 Understanding how politicians and trusted sources can trick us through Sophistry; Trumps Fake Campaign Ads; Cryptocurrency and sophistry; Unemployment, Fake News and US employment data; N. Korea and Trumps interesting change of heart;...

Tone of Voice vs. Substance
Sophist lies and rationalizations can distract us from what is important, so we need to be very careful about getting caught up in distracting arguments and learn how to focus on things that are more relevant.
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July 4, 2019

Corona Virus Mortality Rate Change
The latest data from Johns Hopkins indicates an increased mortality rate. Until this is scientifically interpreted we should not jump to conclusions. While this new data has not been explained as yet, it is interesting and at the very least should reinforce the notion of safety and social distancing as well as isolating ourselves as much as possible to slow and halt the spread of Covid-19. #News, #Health, #Coronavirus, #Covid_19
The Last 12 Casts/Pieces
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