The Purpose of the Electoral College

The Purpose of the Electoral College

See, here’s the thing. People are saying let’s get rid of the Electoral College. They say this because it looks like it is broken and typically reference the Bush/Gore and Trump/Hillary elections with regard to the popular vote. The thing is that the...
Trump is an Antichrist, Not a Savior

Trump is an Antichrist, Not a Savior

For many who have studied theology, and to address those that think Donald Trump is a savior of any kind (unless we are talking about him saving himself or his corporate friends), understand this: As the bible says, each man eats and drinks judgement upon himself. We...
Tone of Voice vs. Substance

Tone of Voice vs. Substance

This piece explores how ‘tone of voice’ can be used as a sophist evasion as well as mislead or lie. This piece focuses on how ‘referring’ to how pleasant or harsh someones tone is can actually redirect a conversation away from more relevant...
Trumps Election Fraud Moves

Trumps Election Fraud Moves

Trump continues to lie to his supporters in bizarro fashion. Flipping reality on its arse to make them think the opposite of truth… and then claiming it is truth. First, here is what Trump does not want his supporters to know. Using relative ratio analysis we...
Trusted Sources

Trusted Sources

How many times have you heard people say, “I have trusted sources” for my news. And, they often say you can’t trust the news. How many times have you said that? For myself, I do my best to ‘not decide’ what is absolutely correct. Instead...