by John P. Reisman | Feb 8, 2021 | Election, Healthcare, Politics, Security
Update: Feb 11, 2021 New transcript demonstrates Giuliani pressured Ukraine ‘Trump Mob Style’. We still need to know what Trump said in Private with Putin. Maybe the Biden administration can help us get to the truth? American needs to know how much damage...
by John P. Reisman | Oct 25, 2020 | Election, Politics, Security
Welcome to the Trumpman Show Episode #22,000 something. This episode is called Election and Voter Fraud 2020, starring Donald J. Trump. Trumps character as POTUS will rehash his classic Trump University story and acting method where he relies on RICO style crime...
by John P. Reisman | Mar 22, 2020 | Economy, Security
This piece explores relative values in the market in relation to government policy decisions and the Shiller P/E ratio. One of the key arguments addressed is the notion that Trump is doing a good job with the economy. The truth is, and it may be hard for some folks to...
by John P. Reisman | Mar 17, 2020 | Healthcare, Politics
Trump spent January to mid March lying to his supporters and using his administration to mislead the American public. Most of it was BS and blaming the Democrats with his latest ‘hoax’ rhetoric. But of course he threw blame at China as well. And of course...
by John P. Reisman | Jan 16, 2020 | Politics, Security
Gaslighting is a method of trickery. Like the saying ‘a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth’, which is of course not true. In the American vernacular, it is a form of BS. It is commonly used by con-artists and the like to fool people into...