Tone of Voice vs. Substance

Tone of Voice vs. Substance

This piece explores how ‘tone of voice’ can be used as a sophist evasion as well as mislead or lie. This piece focuses on how ‘referring’ to how pleasant or harsh someones tone is can actually redirect a conversation away from more relevant...
Trusted Sources

Trusted Sources

How many times have you heard people say, “I have trusted sources” for my news. And, they often say you can’t trust the news. How many times have you said that? For myself, I do my best to ‘not decide’ what is absolutely correct. Instead...
Trump Finally Succeeded in Building a Wall

Trump Finally Succeeded in Building a Wall

Trumps lack of leadership on the Covid-19 pandemic has forced nations around the world to close their doors to America. So instead of Trumps promised wall to keep people out of America, his failures as president created a wall to prevent Americans from getting out of...
The Trump Virus Infecting the World

The Trump Virus Infecting the World

[Recorded March 15: Editing and text added July 22-23] Not much has changed. Trump is still lying about the virus and Americans that did not have to die, or are about to die are still dying because Trump refused to take responsibility and lead America, which is weird...
CNP Intel Report: Fake Oil Price War

CNP Intel Report: Fake Oil Price War

CNP can not claim to ‘know’ the truth, but we do examine what the evidence indicates, and combine that with what we know about the players involved: The evidence indicates this may be a ‘Fake Oil Price War’. Consider the sequence of events:...