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The Centrist Party Platform Plank on the 2nd Amendment

The Centrist Party Platform Plank on the 2nd Amendment

The Centrist Party (CP) discussions on this 2nd Amendment platform plank have been many and with people from left, right, center, independent, Trump supporters, Biden supporters. Our goal was to find problems with the position. From the CP’s point of view, this is the best answer to manage gun violence and protect citizens rights under the constitution.



Does Wearing a Mask Help?

Does Wearing a Mask Help?

On Feb. 07, 2020, Donald Trump said emphatically this virus was a killer, was aerosolized and would even hurt children. Then he lied repeatedly to the American people saying it would magically go away, just so he could avoid a panic (he said). The end result is more people dying, more people being infected, and more panic. That is truly bad leadership.

The Last 12 Casts/Pieces

Trumps Been Instigating Civil War The Whole Time

Trumps Been Instigating Civil War The Whole Time

This piece was recorded July 26, 2020. It is unfortunately still relevant. Trump went from fomenting civil disobedience in his initial campaign and first three years, to instigating civil war this year. By sending federal troops into cities and abusing national guard troops as well as border patrol in federal police actions, Trump has officially begun attacking and harassing and arresting American Citizens, often circumventing police procedure and miranda rights.

Fact Check On Trumps NOT The Greatest Economy

Fact Check On Trumps NOT The Greatest Economy

Simply put, without going into the whole history of US economics, since Truman, Johnson, Kennedy, Clinton Reagan, Carter, Eisenhower, Nixon & Ford all had higher GDP performance that Donald Trump. And that’s only eight that did better than Donald. If you go back further, Donny gets pushed even further down the list. So, no Trump did not produce the greatest economy and yes, he continues to lie to his supporters about it.

The Wolf Pelosi Stimulus Bill Argument

The Wolf Pelosi Stimulus Bill Argument

Sure everyone makes mistakes, but when it happens on important issues one hopes that the mistakes are corrected so that we can all learn and do better. Wolf Blitzer made a mistake in an interview with Nancy Pelosi. Then he compounded the mistake because he did not grasp that she was trying to inform him that his context was way off base. This piece delves into the context.

The Purpose of the Electoral College

The Purpose of the Electoral College

See, here’s the thing. People are saying let’s get rid of the Electoral College. They say this because it looks like it is broken and typically reference the Bush/Gore and Trump/Hillary elections with regard to the popular vote. The thing is that the electoral college is broken. But should we throw it away or fix it?

Trump is an Antichrist, Not a Savior

Trump is an Antichrist, Not a Savior

Donald claims to be “the chosen one” along with his claims of being ‘the only one that can save us’ and ‘he alone can fix everything’ fit with the bibles descriptions of the “man of lawlessness” “will appear performing signs and wonders to mislead”. 2nd Thessalonians, chapter 2, verse 9-10 “This lawless one will appear as part of the workings of Satan, accompanied by all the power and signs and wonders at the disposal of falsehood.”

Trumps Election Fraud Moves

Trumps Election Fraud Moves

Trump is delivering on his promise this will be the most fraudulent election in American history, by handicapping the US postal Service and doing his very best to ensure votes are not delivered in time to be counted for the election. Promises made, promises kept.

Trusted Sources

Trusted Sources

One of the biggest problems we have in understanding truth and reality is bias. And we are all biased, some more, some less; some more in ‘some’ areas and less in others. So it is smarter for us to question why we think what we think is right or wrong rather than just accept it. And that’s what this piece is about. If we really want to know the truth, we need to start by being more humble.

Impeachment – Understanding What is “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”?

Impeachment – Understanding What is “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”?

What Democrats and Republicans need to understand about impeachment is that the term ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ has nothing to do with actual crimes. It has to do with ‘loss of public trust’. The precedence for this use goes all the way back to the year 1371, solidified in the 1500’s and became regularly used from the 1600’s forward. The reason our founding fathers used the term in the US Constitution was because they wanted a president to be able to be impeached if he abused the public trust in the office of the presidency.