Brexit is part of Putin’s plan to sow the seeds of discord. Ukraine: 2004 & 2014 – Georgia: 2008 – Germany: 2016 – Montenegro: 2016 – United Kingdom: 2016 – United States: 2016/17/18/19 – France/Germany: 2017; Venezuela: 2019. They also helped foment the Catalan crisis in 2017. The more confusion Putin can sow, the more advantage Russia gains. Cambridge Analytica also played an important role in Brexit as well as Russia. And all our expected cast members played a role. Giuliani, Bannon, May, Johnson, Farage, Lord Lawson, and many more…

The underlying issue that makes this all so dangerous is that we have an unfortunate tendency to believe things that make us feel good or right. The risk is that we are wrong in our assumptions in many cases… and yet we still think we are right. In one study regarding how we view information, it showed that we are wrong nine out of ten times on average. I don’t recall the criteria but whether any of us have Phd’s or not may not be the most critical factor.

If we are to get closer to the truth ourselves, then we need to be more humble and look deeper into what is behind what people are saying. If we simply accept what we are told by people we ‘want’ to believe, the risks will remain higher that we are wrong.

Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

Russian trolls sent thousands of pro-Leave messages on day of Brexit referendum, Twitter data reveals

How Russia backed Jeremy Corbyn and the Kremlin trolls targeting the UK


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